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 Dear friends
  Day by day i discover many new thinks in Japanese society which totally not founded in our society.
    So i am asking if any one can give me the real story or the meaning of the attached pictures-- see the pictures first to understand what about i am talking-

briefly while i am walking inside tokyo i saw  a ( Fuse vaginal cotton ) with dry blood, means its been used hanging above or beside river ???

what is the message the girls want to send it when they hang such things, and how we (men) shall reply when we saw such things

waiting your reply
thank you
ワリードにどんな回答があったかわかりませんが、管理人は東京で見たことはありません。興味深いのは 「girls からのメッセージ」とワリードが決めてかかっていることです。それってそうだといいなあというワリードの妄想?願望?

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